Monday, April 14, 2008

When Selling Isn't Selling

Sales is a big part of my job. I have tried calling and writing people I don't know and letting them know what First Source has to offer. I have mixed success with the process. If I did it more, I'd have more successes (and more failures).

I think this sort of selling has its place. Doing it takes perseverence and self-confidence, two things most of us could use a little more of. But it's also outmoded.

I have landed and maintained some accounts by selling. Selling has it's place. But what has brought me the most success and revenue is simple conversation. I listen to clients, talk about their passions and my own, and share valuable information. People appreciate this and in turn want to buy.

If a phone call starts with a person telling you they have no need for your services, that's fine. Think of it as an opportunity to chat without having to mention business. How long have they worked there? What exactly does the person/organization do? Are they facing any special challenges now or in the coming months? If you can get them talking (in a natural and sincere way), they will either call you when a need arises or make a positive recommendation to someone else. The most amazing thing that happens is when at the end of a conversation, the person "remembers" to place an order that didn't seem to exist at the beginning of the conversation.

Making the conversation easy makes the buying process easy.