Thursday, February 21, 2008

The "You're Welcome" Mindset

I'm on the phone a lot here, and I find myself saying "thank you" frequently. Even when people are thanking me, I'll often reply with a hearty "thank you."

It's polite, but is it what I really mean to say?

If I'm providing a service (paid or not) and a client thanks me, I think it makes sense to sincerely say "you're welcome."

I feel like "you're welcome" is not used often enough in our society. As if "thank you" is the more noble of these two complementary phrases.

Being able to say "you're welcome" puts you at an advantage in business. People are grateful for your product, and you are glad to offer it.

The only trick is, you have to provide a product that people truly feel fortunate to pay for and recieve.

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