Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I came across this thought online from John Challenger and must agree:

"Today's newest breed of employee is the self-manager. These workers are the ones who survived the recent. waves of downsizing, both by seeking and capitalizing, on new opportunities and by learning new skills. Because these employees increasingly possess the skills and technological tools to supervise themselves-individually or in teams-they are eliminating the need for layers of management. More executives will soon find their jobs redundant, while self-managing front line workers become highly valued and virtually fire-proof. Everyone should strive to become self-managed. It is clearly the direction business is taking."

What do the self-managed act like? There has to be some passion for the job, of course. If you can't stand the work, there is far less motivation to meet the objectives. Integrity is also key. I'm defining integrity here as "doing the right thing even when no one is looking."

People are smarter now than ever and have more resources at their fingertips than ever before. As a result, more and more employees are able to get their marching orders and carry them out with less and less supervision.

Be sure to be on the right side of this coin.

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