Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Lesson in Motivation

There's an old legend in Haiti surrounding the construction of Le Citadel, a massive fort that sits atop a mountain on the country's northern coast. The story revolves around the installation of the cannons, which each weigh several tons.

According to the story, 100 men were assigned to carry a cannon up the mountain to the fort, but it was too heavy, and the men claimed they needed more help. The bosses' solution was to kill 10 of the men. When the other 90 saw this, they managed to get the cannons moved without complaint.

I've known managers who think that firing some poor performers will inspire those who were spared to do greater things. Since being fired is nowhere near as bad as being killed, these scare tactics usually backfire.

What is true, however, is that a small, motivated team can accomplish much more than a large, unmotivated one.

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